Friday, April 19, 2013

too much fluid?

This week we had just two appointments (as opposed to the three from last week!). We met with Dr. Pohl on Tuesday and also Maternal-Fetal Specialists today. On Tuesday I was officially 35 weeks which means we are getting so close!

Tuesday, April 16 - Dr. Pohl Appointment (NST Test)
   I halfway went in to this appointment expecting that baby M would be still as could be and need to be "buzzed" a few times. I did, however, drink a glass of orange juice before the appointment to try and encourage him to be more active! Apparently it worked and he didn't even have to be buzzed once. We then met with Dr. Pohl so he could measure my fundal height and check my cervix. My fundal height is now 44 (9 weeks ahead) and up 2 cm from last week! Josh took a guess that it might be 45 so he was pretty close, but good grief that seems like quite a lot. For the most part it was staying steady at about 7 weeks ahead and has taken quite the jump the past two weeks. My cervix is still closed but Dr. Pohl still thinks I may go in to labor before May 6/7 - but we would really prefer that does not happen! I go back next week, as always, so we will see if it has jumped anymore or continued to be the same 'distance' ahead.

Friday, April 19 - Maternal-Fetal Appointment (BPP Test) 
   Josh was able to go to the appointment with me today for the first time in quite a while! My mom broke her foot last Friday and had a minor surgery today to fix it, but it was scheduled at the same time as my appointment. (She is out of surgery and doing fine!). At the start of every appointment I always meet with a nurse and they check my 'vitals' - blood pressure, temp, weight, and ask a few questions. This is normally routine but this time the nurse said - "We thought you had already had the baby and had taken your chart apart!". Um, excuse me? I wanted to say "Who would have told you that? And, don't you think I wouldn't be coming in for an appointment?" I chose not to say anything other than "Nope! Still very pregnant." That was so weird - and I am still confused as to where they are getting their information from....
    After that was over we were taken back with the ultrasound technician to do the BPP and growth scan! We did have an impromptu growth scan last week, but they didn't keep that in my chart since it was a week early. Baby M is still measuring at about 7 pounds 2 ounces (he was roughly 7 pounds 6 ounces last week) so this was good to hear! The growth scans can be off by a pound or so and they told us not to be concerned if the number was a little lower this week... we weren't! She also did the BPP and everything looked good with baby M and he was practicing breathing and hardly sitting still. She checked my amniotic fluid levels and they had gone up again - to around 36-37 (she took two measurements, one was 39 and then one was 33). For a while they had stayed the same around 26-27 but recently they have been increasing. I asked if this was normal and she said "well, usually towards the end of pregnancy the levels actually go down". I know we aren't the 'usual' so I take that with a grain of salt. I also asked about the risk of cord prolapse (you can read about that here) but she wasn't too sure and wanted to ask the nurse practitioner about it. She left the room and we waited for either the doctor (Dr. Eller was in the office today) or the nurse practitioner.  
   Dr. Eller didn't see us, but instead we met with the nurse practitioner. I can't remember her name to save my life but we have seen her before and she is really nice so it was good to see her again. She said that she had just spoken with Dr. Eller and they really want me to have another fetal MRI. (insert awkward silence here) I was totally taken by surprise because I didn't see that coming. She said that the extra amniotic fluid increasing regularly was an indicator that there MIGHT be an issue with his airways. They know it isn't a swallowing issue or kidney issue because both of those look fine, so that just leaves the airways. When we went to Cincinnati we had a fetal MRI to check and make sure an actual airway existed (and it did) but this second MRI can show if it is more constricted. The trachea is a soft tissue so in the two months (can you believe it has been that long? I surely can't) that it has been since the last MRI things could have changed, or they could not have. They want us to do this again because they want to have the BEST plan in place for when he makes his arrival. I totally agree, and I would much rather them be safe than sorry when it comes to our baby. She did say that they didn't really have any predictions but because the fluid level is increasing they want to do this as a precaution to either be prepared if it is constricted or rule it out as a possibility. 
   I know people will ask "What will they do if it is constricted" and right now I don't have an answer for you. I am in a very different place than I was two months ago and feel calm about their suggestion. I remember two months ago when we first got wind of the issue with his lungs and I freaked out and asked a mountain of questions. Today, I didn't ask any. The reason for this is that I can't change the outcome and I would rather wait until after the MRI and cross that bridge if we need to but there really is no sense in freaking out about something that hasn't even happened yet. If there is one thing I have learned so far in this process is that I can't have expectations. I just have to trust that God has a plan and His plan is being fulfilled by whatever outcome the situation may bring, including this upcoming MRI.

   With all that being said we ask that you pray for the MRI (it hasn't been scheduled yet, but I will know Monday) and that they get clear pictures and are able to tell us a SOLID answer one way or the other. I am definitely not a fan of wishy-washy answers, and a clear answer would be best so the doctors and staff delivering baby M will be well-prepared. Please also be in prayer that baby M will stay put until AFTER the MRI. I would much rather know if there is something to deal with before he gets here! I don't like the fact that we were SO close to the finish line and have yet another hurdle jump, but I would much rather know more about what we are dealing with before he gets here! I wish we could have gotten some 3D pictures today but unfortunately he just wouldn't move his hands at all! Thank you for the continued prayers - we really are in the homestretch now! 


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