Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rhory Camille: Month One!

Time is going entirely too fast! How can Rhory already be one month old? It seems like just the other day we were getting things ready for her arrival and now she has been here for a whole month! Month birthdays are a special thing around here in the Murphy household. We treasure each and every moment we are given, because we know all too well that life is shorter than anyone really wants. 

Anyone that knows me knows that I can't just sit still for very long. Don't get me wrong - I rested the first week or so and didn't do too much, but my recovery has been pretty great so it was easy for me to get back in to a routine. When Rhory was just over two weeks old we went somewhere and a lady said "oh how sweet, this must be her first outing"... Ha! Well, not quite ;) Our first trip out was actually to Walmart to get more newborn clothes because Rhory is such a little peanut! In fact, at a month old, she is still wearing newborn clothes for the most part.

We haven't been back to the pediatrician since her two week check-up and we won't go back until she is two months old. I'm guessing since she had gained a good amount of weight and there weren't any other concerns they didn't feel the need to bring us in at a month? I'm not really sure. My mom has one of those scales they use at the office (for all her foster kitties) and we weighed Rhory on that the other day -  8 lbs 8 oz! The pediatrician had been impressed with her weight gain at her 2 week appointment so I am glad that it is continuing to go up. When you are breastfeeding you never know how much they are actually getting - so it's always exciting to know they have gained weight! 

Rhory is such a content baby, only crying due to gas pains or if she is hungry (particularly in the middle of the night). For the most part we have been getting okay sleep with the occasional restless night here and there. Last night was great though because she slept for 7 hours straight!

She loves tummy time, and has already mastered rolling over from her tummy to her back! She rolled over for the first time at about 10 days old, and I completely missed the first time. I put her down for a nap in her crib and had the monitor on. A few minutes went by and I ran to the restroom, but when I came out the screen was dark and she was crying - pressed the video button and that little stinker was on her back! 

She loves being in the baby carrier and even riding in her car seat, for the most part. I have realized that car seats are the most ridiculous thing, and I am so thankful for my Boba carrier so I can be hands free and not lugging something around that weighs what seems like 50 pounds.

When Josh comes home from work he scoops her up and you can tell how much she really loves him! 

She HATES bath time when its over. She doesn't mind the actual bath but the transfer from bath to towel is the absolute worst!

She has only peed and pooped through a few outfits ;) Since I am going back to teach I went to curriculum night at my school and just wore her in the carrier. Well, when it was over and I went to change her I realized she had peed all over me! She then proceeded to spit up all over my pants - it was a hot mess.

Leaving the house with a baby is comparable to running a marathon. You want to make sure you have everything you need in the event that any possible scenario happens because chances are when you aren't prepared - IT WILL HAPPEN. I tried to meet one of my friends at the mall last Saturday at 10:30, which then changed to 11:00, then 11:15, and finally 11:30. Rhory spit up all over herself right before I put her outfit on so I had to clean her up. Then, as I was trying to change her diaper, I stalled too long before the new diaper was under her butt and she peed all over herself. That warranted a bath because when I say all over - it was ALL OVER. Once she calmed down from the surprise bath I got her dressed and in her carseat, where she proceeded to poop. Now, normally I wouldn't change her immediately but I could just imagine the mess ensuing if I waited to get to the mall and by that point it would be all up in everything and I am sure the diaper would be stuck to her butt - I didn't want any of that! Alas, we were on our way -- an hour later than "scheduled"... Ha, schedule...

 We are so thankful and truly blessed by her delightful self. We are also very thankful for those of you who have prayed for us, over us, and with us. It means more than you will ever know. Rhory has been a source of restored joy for our family.

A lot of these pictures have been posted to my Facebook page, BUT since I make a book out of my blog at the end of the year I want them posted here! I was going to include the pictures of Huck and Rhory, but there are a ton - so they got their own post. If you are in need of a smile you can go over and check out the Adventures of Huck and Rhory.

Baby wearing for the win!
MOOOOOM, I am SO done with tummy time!
Oh my word, she is just the prettiest!
Visiting her big brother <3

Happy First Birthday, CK!
I probably took a hundred trying to get her to look at the camera haha
Photo shoot :)

LOVES her daddy

Such a sweetheart!



The Adventures of Huck & Rhory

I started to put all of these pictures in Rhory's one month post, but quickly realized that there are enough to warrant their own post! LOL. Rhory and Huckleberry spend a lot of time together - he loves to always be as close to her as he possibly can. At night we have to get all of the cats out of the bedroom and shut the door because I know they would try to sneak in the bassinet with her. From the day we brought her home until now Huck has never failed to at least try to take one nap with me and Rhory. If these pictures don't make your heart want to explode out of your chest there *may* be something wrong with you :P

More to come later, I'm sure of it... :)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wave of Light; October 15, 2014

October 15 is an internationally recognized day to raise awareness for pregnancy and infant loss. For a long time those that have suffered the tragic loss of an infant and/or pregnancy have had to suffer through those losses in silence because it is such a "taboo" topic- even though it shouldn't be something they have to keep quiet about. As time has gone on the recognition of these precious babies gone too soon has become greater and families are able to speak more about their losses.

Last year I wrote this in my post:
"This is a day when all parents (all over the world) who have lost a child can come together and be supported by each other and their families. The tradition has been to light a candle at 7 PM and let it burn for one hour. With families across the world participating in this it makes a continual "wave of light" for 24 hours. I think it would be awesome to have all of our family and friends participating in this." 

Our special spin was to have people carve a pumpkin and light it in honor/memory of Sawyer. We announced our engagement and pregnancy with him with pumpkins, so we only thought it was fitting!

The response and participation of our friends and families was OVERWHELMING, to say the least. We probably had over 70 pumpkins lit up for Sawyer and all other babies gone too soon.  You can see those pictures in my Wave of Light: Pumpkin Style post! 

I have been wanting to post something so that whoever wants to participate this year can, but I also wanted to wait until closer so that people wouldn't forget! I want to do the same as last year and do a Wave of Light, but in pumpkin style again! I realize that October 15 is on a Wednesday and many of you will have functions at church - but I think that if you light a candle at ANY hour during that day to be a part of the international Wave of Light. Also, last year there were some who hadn't gotten a pumpkin but instead lit a candle - that works great! Josh and I will carve a pumpkin, but you are more than welcome to participate in ANY way you are able. I just don't want people to think they can't participate because they don't have a pumpkin or they won't be home right at 7 PM. Please participate if you want - in any way you can on October 15!

I would love to do a picture post like last year, so feel free to post your picture and tag us or text/email it to me! Help us remember the babies gone too soon and show support to all of the hurting families around the world. 

Looking forward to seeing your pictures on October 15 :)
