Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rhory Camille: Month 6!

Half a year already?! I cannot believe how quickly time is moving. I am so thankful for the joy Rhory has brought in to our lives, and we love watching her grow and change.

She is sitting up SO well on her own, laughs a lot, gives us the gummy grin pretty much 24/7, and loves mommy and daddy. We are in the midst of Wonder Week 5 and it has been a doozy at times. It is the "relationship" wonder week where she has become quite clingy. I love the extra baby snuggles, but sometimes other people want them too! If she is too tired, or close to being ready to eat she generally just wants mommy or daddy. She went through a phase where sleep was almost non-existent and some nights she ended up in our bed at 1AM because it was the only way we were all going to function the next day. I am not a big fan of cry it out (CIO) or sleep training so when she started sleeping with her lovey and putting herself to sleep (no crying) and went back to sleeping 12 hours at night we were so very happy! Everyone was well rested and much happier :)

She had her 6 month appointment and the doctor said she was perfectly healthy! She always makes remarks about how nice her skin is because apparently this weather dries a lot of babies out. Not sure what has her exempt from the dryness but we'll take it! She weighs 12 pounds 15 ounces and is 23-3/4 inches long! She is definitely petite but the doctor thinks introducing solids will help her put on some more weight, but she isn't under weight by any means. My goal when she was born to set small breastfeeding goals, and so far I have met all of the goals I set. The first goal was 2 weeks, then 1 month, then 6 months and I am proud to say it has been successful. I know that breastfeeding doesn't work for everyone, and that is okay, but it was something I had really wanted to work and I am happy that it did. We have also decided to try BLW (baby-led weaning) which is introducing table-food rather than the traditional pureed food. Again, this doesn't work for everyone but so far it has been great for us. I ordered a book before we started and joined a FB group of other BLW moms that has been really helpful. So far Rhory loves bananas and sweet potatoes and we are slowly introducing new foods. Food before one is really just for play, and I do plan to continue breastfeeding until she is 1 if all continues to go well.

Pictures from month 6!


She tried a lemon! Lol :)


Happy 6 months baby girl!

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