As usual, life has been busy and I am behind posting this! It will be short and sweet :)
Rhett is a joy. After losing Sawyer I didn't know if I would ever have the privilege of raising a baby boy here on Earth. And when we found out Rhett was a boy I was filled with so many emotions. His first few weeks here were rough - lots of crying all around. Rhory wasn't ever crazy upset like Rhett would get sometimes so we all just felt overwhelmed. My mom came the week after Josh had to go back to work and helped a lot! I needed extra hands to deal with my extra active toddler. I was also having to go to physically therapy for my ankle (that's a story for another time).
Overall we have adjusted to the addition of Rhett and Rhory LOVES her baby brother! She loves to get his paci and diapers and rock him when he is in his car seat LOL. Here is a picture for now, more later!