Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mrs. Murphy's Classroom

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to be teaching this year! When Sawyer passed away I really was lost because everything I thought I would be doing with life was gone and I was confused. I had thought I would be a stay-at-home mom until he had surgery or until I felt comfortable enough to leave him with my mom. I didn't really have a plan for what I would do after that and it all came on more suddenly than I had ever wanted. I had thought about going back to my old position and they were even asking when I was coming back. I was unsure about that though because I was there through my pregnancy with Sawyer and it would have just been strange to go back, for me personally. When the opportunity to teach presented itself I was excited and also nervous at the same time. What if the students don't like me? What if I am a terrible teacher!?! I know that in all reality God has opened this door for me and has GREAT plans for where He is taking me and all the students that walk through my door. I am blessed to be working with a wonderful, Christian group of people. Pre-planning was overwhelming and I had many 12 hour days trying to get everything together but it is all complete! 

Today was Open House and I was able to meet my homeroom students and others that will be in my class throughout the day. As many of you know - Math is students LEAST favorite subjects for the most part. I plan on changing their outlook this year. Yes, Math is a daunting subject, but it can be FUN too! I was able to connect with the parents as well. This blog post is a virtual tour of my classroom - enjoy the pictures! 

 Getting ready to head to open house!

My board :)

My theme is SAFARI! (Obviously). 
I got this giraffe as a baby shower gift.
It sat in the nursery and I made the decision to bring it in to my classroom.
Just a daily reminder of my sweet boy :) 

WILD about Math!

11 children are a part of my homeroom class.
Praying for these sweet children and this new school year for them! 

Pinterest idea!
The students are all assigned a number.
They move their number if they need to go to the office or restroom or get checked - out.
Any students that are absent have their own "section" too. 

Classroom Jobs!

Number of the Day!

Found this at Hobby Lobby, for $15, and it is SO perfect!


Josh helped put up the animals on the wall.
So thankful for my wonderful husband!
He came every night after work to help me finish. 

Birthday Board and Storage Shelf!

 "Spit out your GUM!"

Teacher Toolbox :)

Math Games &
'No Name' paper section on my desk! 

Bulletin Board
Thank you Laura for helping with this! 

Bible Verses

Brownie points!
When the students fill up the brownie pan I bring in actual brownies.
A few students told me I was "THE BEST TEACHER EVER" when I told them about this! 

Before and After: Bookshelf
Many thanks to Mallorie and Hensley! 

A sweet friend sent me this in the mail.
I took it to the school for my desk, and I LOVE IT!
The little block in front came from an organization.
They make these memory blocks for free for parents who have lost little ones. 

Here is the block from all sides, so sweet 

Grade, Return, File

Check out those awesome scissors!

 "I made the seas and everything in them. I am also the One, the only One, who faithfully keeps every promise made to you. Let Me hold you close today - I am on your side. Love, God."

"Wherever you go, you always leave a footprint"

Mrs. Murphy is ready for a GREAT year! 

I am always so thankful to those who continue to pray for us. We are blessed beyond belief by those who surround us with prayer and encouragement. Thankful that God has opened this door in my life and that He is continuing to hold me close through this trial in my life. I am excited to see where He takes me and continuing praising Him for these blessings. God is GOOD - ALL the time! I am just so excited - my cup runneth over for sure! Thank you Lord for your goodness!

Love always, 
(Mrs. Murphy :) )



  1. Your classroom looks wonderful and so do you! Best wishes for a
    happy and successful first year....You'll be terrific!

  2. I am so excited for you! You are going to do great! Your room looks amazing....
    Have a great first day,
    Deanna Sessoms
