Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Rhory Camille: Change of Plans!

In just a few short hours I will be 39 weeks pregnant! It is crazy how fast this pregnancy has gone by, but also how slowly it has seemed at times. I have been having twice weekly appointments since 33 weeks and everything with Rhory looks great - they even think the brightness of her bowels has resolved itself! Praise the Lord! 

Now, for the change of plans! I went in on Tuesday for my 39 week appointment/NST and still had the c-section scheduled for tomorrow at 7:30 AM. All along I had sworn that if I was still pregnant at 39 weeks we would just go ahead with the c-section. With Sawyer I was induced and after 24 hours and getting stuck at 9 cm, it ended in a c-section. I was fine with that, though, I just didnt want to try it again to just have the same end result. Well, once Rhory turned head down and we were told her head was engaged we started giving a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) more thought. I also thought that at my 38 week appointment my Dr. would check me, but he didn't and I left confused. I had no idea what my body was doing, or if it was even preparing so I still didn't feel comfortable forging ahead with a VBAC. At my 39 week appointment he said he would check me and we could decide then if I wanted to do the VBAC. I was 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and my cervix was soft - all signs that an induction would be much more successful this time. With the c-section only 2 days later I knew we had to make the decision. I called Josh and my mom and neither had an strong opinion either way, but since we had been leaning towards the possibility of a VBAC if she had come on her own we decided I might as well try! At any point during the labor process if I feel more comfortable with a c-section Dr. Pohl said to let him know and that would be fine. Another reason for wanting to try the VBAC is that after 2 c-sections, that is kind of it -- you have to have c-sections for all subsequent pregnancies. Josh and I (lord-willing) would like to have several more children, and I know that the risk with each c-section gets greater and greater. If I have a VBAC delivery this go around I can have vaginal births with all my future pregnancies, which is less risky than a c-section. With all that being said, either way Rhory makes her arrival, be it vaginal delivery or c-section, Josh and I will just be happy she is here!

Our induction time is 1 AM Wednesday night/Thursday morning, as in 4 HOURS FROM NOW! I didn't post anything when we made the decision because I was trying to let it sink in, but now as tomorrow quickly approaches there are more and more people asking about the c-section time so this is the easiest way to get the word out! We will check in at 1 AM and they should start pitocin around 2 AM. Dr. Pohl will break my water later on, and we will go from there. I will post updates periodically, and of course pictures when she is here! Facebook will have more current updates, and a blog post will come whenever I have time.

Josh and I are thrilled that we are so close to meeting our precious baby girl, but we are also a bundle of nerves. We have done this before; anxiously awaited the birth of our son and prepared our house, only to never bring him home. I have faith that Rhory is going to come out kicking and screaming and healthy as can be, but all of that doesn't change our past experiences and how they continue to impact us today. In all reality I wish that tomorrow I was figuring out who would be watching Sawyer and what time he would come meet his little sister. It hurts a lot that I won't be doing that. It hurts that to the outside world this is our last night as just Josh and I, but the truth is tomorrow we will be a family of four - even if it doesn't appear that way to those on the outside. I wish we would be adjusting to life with a toddler and a newborn, but in all actuality we will be adjusting to life with the first newborn we have had in our home, that is actually our second child. 

Prayers are greatly appreciated for an easy labor and delivery, and a healthy baby.

Pray for a successful VBAC.

Prayers for peace as we make the transition to a family of four, that is a family of three living here on Earth.

We love you all and are so thankful you have continued to follow and share in this journey we call life. We know Sawyer is going to be with us every step of the way, and I know he will always watch over his baby sister.



1 comment:

  1. Praying for you can't wait to see pictures :) Congrats on your rainbow baby what a blessing
